The new nueroscience centre will be in the renovated J-block building at Groote Schuur Hospital, which was first built in 1938 and home to several research and clinical facilities over the years. The building will be expanded and refurbished to offer specialised clinical neuroscience services, and to house the laboratories, lecture theatres and infrastructure of the Neuroscience Institute.
The institute will encompass key neuroscience disciplines, a neurosurgical innovation and skills laboratory, a human tissues repository (called a biobank) and attached laboratory, a state-of-the-art lecture theatre and other communal spaces, as well as direct access to the Cape University Body Imaging Centre (CUBIC). The Team has been mandated to prepare a design proposal to redevelopment of the existing J-Block building, with the vision of consolidating the various neuroscience-related departments into a single integrated and interdisciplinary facility known as the Clinical Neurosciences Centre. The CNC will provide space for teaching and training, as well as a multidisciplinary clinical patient consulting space for departments including; Neurosurgery, Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Neuroimaging and Neuropsychology.
Status: Ongoing
Year: 2018 - 2019